Gentle Birth Yoga®
Gentle Spirituality
Scuola di Yoga, Formazione Yoga, Servizi di Doula
Noi crediamo nella possibilità di creare un mondo migliore attraverso una nascita dolce alla volta.
Percorsi professionalizzanti per diventare Insegnanti di Yoga:
RPYS® Internationally recognized Yoga School.
FREE Chat & Tea- Yoga and meditation classes -Hypnobirthing courses-Doula- Online Yoga Teacher Training- Shop - Gift Vouchers
My name is Anna, I am the founder ofGentle Birth Yoga®️ method. I will be happy to accompany you on the pregnancy and postpartum journey as the Yoga and Meditation teacher, Doula and the Hypnobirthing instructor!
We are really glad you are here! Gentle Birth Yoga believes that yoga is the ideal way to achieve psychophysical well-being. We look forward to sharing the techniques we have learned with you - we are sure they will significantly improve your pregnancy and remain as useful tools throughout your life. Read on to find out more about our Yoga School.
Gentle Birth Yoga is a wonderful path to birth that supports and prepares the mother and her baby for a sweet birth, healthy and in full connection with love.
Yoga improves body strength and flexibility in the expectant mother by helping to prevent minor discomforts that may arise during pregnancy .
Meditationit favors a deep contact with your child, preparing not only the physical dimension but also the emotional and mental sphere for childbirth.
Throughspecific breathing techniquesa state of deep relaxation is reached, concentration is developed and you learn to use your breath during labor and delivery to live the most important event with joy and serenity - the Birth!
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If you are not sure which is the right path for you, I invite you to discover it together: plan your route.
Percorsi e servizi per le mamme:

Dear Anna
You are a star!
A light to the world in your own right!
Now I am thrilled with your clients feedback!
So proud of you! "
- Dr. Gowri Motha "Gentle Birth Method"
"... Seeing the baby come out of my body was a divine image.
In short, I think I had the most beautiful labor and birth in history. I think I was very lucky. I think our son was exceptional. I believe my husband has given me exceptional support. The staff who was with me, however, told me that the credit was mine too, that I was good at listening to my body and the baby.
Consequently, the credit was yours who taught me everything and helped my body prepare to live this special moment.
Thank you so much...."
"It couldn't have been better! It was great! We decided this morning to go to the hospital and it was a dream! It arrived after two hours. They left us almost 4 hours alone: me, my husband and our little one. Mine. husband took our baby soon after birth and cut the cord after a long time. I have no laceration and my baby latches on to the breast by himself. Everything just as I wanted, thank you so much! And the visualization helped a lot. ! "
-Anahi '
"T. was very good and gave me a natural and fast birth, we arrived at the hospital at 9 and he was born at 11, without an epidural, only the efforts of mom and T.
Thanks for everything!"
- He knows
"... During labor I meditated and did the breathing exercises .."
"On August 10 at midnight A. was born surrounded by shooting stars. He was born at home in the tub in an hour. I had no lacerations.
Thank you for accompanying me on this wonderful journey. "
"Hi Anna dear,
on 17-08 L. was born, I wanted to thank you because in the toughest moments of labor I applied the breathing and movement techniques you taught.
Childbirth is not a walk in the park but I faced it with a smile and born L. I said that I have a harder time running the 42 km of the marathon.
Thanks for all
A big bear hug".
"Mom", the most beautiful word on the lips of humanity.
Khalil Gibran
Our Services
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1 hr
1 hr
15 euros15 min
2 hr
60 euros- Available Online
L'Attivazione Kundalini risveglia la tua energia e ti connette con la tua essenza.
1 hr
75 euros - Available Online
Sono aperte le prenotazioni ai colloqui conoscitivi e pre-iscrizione.
15 min
20 min
- Available Online
Formazione Annuale per Insegnanti di Kundalini Yoga&Meditazione per le Donne.
Started Sep 21, 2024
1,450 euros Loading days...
1 hr
45 euros- Available Online
Percorso Olistico di preparazione al Parto "Hypnobirthing "The Gowri Way" con AyurDoula .
299 euros